My work focuses on moments when I feel caught between feelings of both attraction and repulsion, specifically when it comes to matters of gender and class. There are times when I want to slip into the comforting familiarity of a feminine archetype, but I find it is also essential for me to exercise feminist agency over my actions. There are also times when I both desire and reject the concept of “good taste” and how it highlights class hierarchy. With no clear concept of good or bad, my work attempts to expose the tension within the nuance of identity, who we are, and what we do.

My work takes a number of forms including roast chickens, paintings, love letters, and hand-knit installations.  Many times my art is expressed as a gift for the viewer in order to make a direct connection with him or her.  However, these gifts are questionably genuine, passive-aggressive, or potentially dominant.  Impotent gift giving is how I attempt to communicate on a personal level with the viewer while also engaging with ideas of authenticity, love, and gender.